Writing Your First Program
Below is a step by step on how to compile your first program!
In this example one will be creating a hello world program that will accept a type string 'name' and it will return a type of string.
Step 1: Create the function
Below you will create the function for your first program
In this example you have created a function called helloWorld. This function accepts a type 'string' and is called 'name'. It will also return a type of string which is indicated at the end of the closed parenthesis ') : string'
Step 2: Create return string variable
Below you will take the variable passed into function and store it in a string to later be returned. It has also added the string "Hello " at the beginning of the variable named 'result' to make the final result say 'Hello {SomeName}'
In this example it has created a function called helloWorld. This function accepts a type 'string' and is called 'name'. It will also return a type of string which is indicated at the end of the closed parenthesis ') : string'. This function also now stores the variable name that is passed into it into the variable 'result'.
Step 3: Return the String
Below will take the variable passed into function and store it in a string to later be returned. You have also added the string "Hello " at the beginning of the variable named 'result' to make the final result say 'Hello {SomeName}' will now return that result.
In this example you have created a function called helloWorld. This function accepts a type 'string' and is called 'name'. It will also return a type of string which is indicated at the end of the closed parenthesis ') : string'. This function also now stores the variable name that is passed into it into the variable 'result'. We now when the method is called it will return the variable 'result'