Trillium Web IDE (tIDE)
Trillium can be tested completely on the web-based IDE called tIDE.
The Web IDE has all the tools the console has and more to come!
- Live Compile and Runtime execution of code
- Lots of Resources and Examples
- Code saving for upload to VFX Network
Things coming soon are the following:
- User stored trlm sketches.
- Trlm sketch repo for all users
- Live chat to communicate with other devs
A Basic Program

Above we have a simple 'Hello World' program. The main thing to point out is the web IDE can handle fully typed functions and then call those functions. We have the following things in this program:
- Function
- Function input paramater of a string
- Function return type of a string
- variable declaration of a string
- return of newly declared variable
- Calling the function of 'helloWorld()' with 'Trillium' as the paramter input.
As seen in the screenshot if you send helloWorld("Trillium")' the ide output will be: Hello Trillium.